Friday, October 5, 2007

Wake up to reality in Myanmar!

I write this to summarize current situation of Myanmar....

1. Military regime will hold grip to power whatever the cost is. It has been very clear, they have no religion, no respect, and no mercy. and finally no wisdom.

There is no diplomatic way out........................

2. Myanmar cannot rely on international, US, China and India for help. They won't do anything unless there is something benificial for themself. So practically, cannot expect anthing more than moral support.

3. Where is the junta going.....(in which direction).

""""""""""" The Junta is going in north-korea way. """"""""""""""""""

a. - Building a powerful army

b. - Trying to become less dependent on civilian and outside world.
That is why they make their own engineers, doctors, e.t.c.
(Well it is not completely possible but they are trying to achieve this.)

c. - They will systemtically destroy education of civilian and religion and also economy. They have already done so to education and economy.

(Why destroy economy?........... The answer is they don't want country's wealth in people's hand. They want people to struggle to survive for daily life and cannot focus on opposing them.)

One clear fact is they move the city to "Pyinmana" in order to undermine the importance of Yangon.
It is now only two future when this "Pyinmana" city has become well set up, they will destroy the role of Yangon.
Now they will destroy buddhism, all our traditions and values.
They will build a new generation with no cultural value and away from teaching of buddha's dhama.

4. What if they are successsful ?

Ordinary civilian will become the lowest class citizen who are used only for labor.
The whole country education, economy will be in the control of army (in formal or informal way). Army related families will form a higher social groups while all important business are owned by them and chineses.

That means the end of "Golden Land". .......................

5. How and when should we stop this ?

We must act is not too late.....
in next 20 years...a new generation will take up and it will be too late.


Facts is we cannot get out of military dictatorship without costing hundred of thousands of lives.

That is reality.

We have seen this military is cruel. but this should not stop us. Because if we let them go this way, all 56 millions people will suffer a life as bad as death in future.

And hundred of thounsands of talented people who can save and guide Myanmar is out there in foreign countries. We cannot just pray....simply encouragement is not enough.....

We must fight for it....using arms....form a "People's Army".
I know "communist and ethinc groups has failed to fight this junta". But we are different.....we have support from 56 millions of people. That is the difference.
And so many yaung army officers will join if we start a civil war.....
All we need is a well formed army with clear leadership and direction.... We must talk through guns...and bullets.... no longer by words...

Forget about peace or diplomacy for now...(civilians will still support us in non-violence ways.)

WAR has its own place in the world. And sometime it is the only solution.